Flipeadóirí Longfoirt 2017 AGM – Tom Mulligan elected as Chairman

Published in News, Senior Football

Senior AGM A very well attended senior AGM convened in the club on 14 January which was exactly the way to begin the year. It was heartening to see so many club members at the meeting especially on the night to bid farewell to Dónal Brady who vacated the chair after 7 years of dedicated and fruitful leadership. Success came to the club at senior level and Dónal was certainly part of ensuring that and other developments at the Slashers. Tom Mulligan was voted in as new Chairman and the club offers Tom every support in his endeavors during the year. Tom has been club treasurer for a number of years and has led fund-raising and brought it to a new level. Míchael Walshe also stood down from secretary and his skill and method of communication has meant that a very slick operation is now in place so that everyone is well informed and connected. Míchael has been a stalwart and we look forward to his experience on the executive. The secretary report was comprehensive for 2016 and the progress of the senior team in the championship was noted and the intention to continue in 2017. Congratulations were extended to Eugene McCormack for his great work along with his team. Other changes have taken place and the full committee is posted on the website. 2017 has begun well in the club and with enthusiasm and cooperation we are confident that Slashers will be to the fore on the pitch as the year moves on. Good to see senior players in attendance at the AGM and willing to take on positions -níl neart le cur le chéile. Every best wish is extended from the membership to Tom Mulligan and his committee for 2017 we hope we have much to celebrate. New members are always welcome and can contact committee members for registration procedures.